Thursday, October 31, 2013

How I Do My Daily Devo

How I Do My Devo: by Paul Burke

I have been enjoying a new devo tool since this summer. It's so simple and practical! I've enjoyed it so much that I wanted to share it with you! It's called S.O.A.P.!

S. stands for Scripture.
O. stands for Observations.
A. stands for Applications.
P. stands for Prayer.

Using a spiral journal, I write down the date at the top, and then write the letter "S," and the passage of Scripture that I am reading for that day. (Usually just one or two paragraphs).

S. 1 Peter 3:8-12

Then I write the letter "O," and read the Scripture, writing down key words, thoughts, questions and phrases that occur to me.

O. Be a blessing. Turn away from evil. Be a "peace instagator." God likes that!

Now comes the important part! I write the letter "A," and try to figure out how to practically apply what I just read and made observations about. This isn't always easy, but so vital to a good devo time!

A. In every interaction today and this week, with every person I interact with, I want to be a blessing! (Particularly towards those who deserve it the least!) I will be a "peace instagator!"

And finally, I make it really personal by turning my decision into a prayer. I write the letter "P," and a prayer of commitment to Jesus.

P. Lord Jesus, I recognize that I have been blessed beyond measure, and far beyond anything that I deserve! And I know that you want me to freely bless others, even when they don't deserve it! Help me to turn away from every evil! Holy Spirit, help me to recognize when I am being tempted to return evil for evil. Please allow me to be a blessing instead! I want to be a peace instagator! Lord Jesus, I just want to follow You. Lead me, Lord! I will follow! In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

And then, I either verbalize that prayer, taking time to worship, or begin to pray for the people in my life. Or sometimes, because I'm out of time, I move on with my day. 

This simple and practical exercise has become one of my favorite parts of my day.

FULL DISCLAIMER: I don't do this every day. Some days, I just run out of time. Some days I oversleep. Some days I don't plan properly. Some days I just get distracted. But, I just keep coming back to where I left off and I start again. 

I invite you, to try S.O.A.P.!

How do you do your daily devo?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Righteous Retribution

How to endure evil attacks and insults.

My way: Counter-attack with the full arsenal of my wrath!
God's way: Counter-attack with the full arsenal of God's grace!

Jesus invites His followers to live an abundant, grace-filled life, traveling the high road!

If I am going to follow Jesus, then I must follow His example in suffering, even when being assualted by evil and insults! 

*The Apostle Peter instructs us, in this matter, this way... If I want to live blessed, love life and see good days, then I must:

1. I must turn from evil, to do good.
Simple to say, not easy to do. Make your choice. Follow Jesus.

2. I must repay evil with blessing.
Simple to say, hard to do! Before I feel like it... Before they deserve it... I bless! I bless with my words. I bless with my actions. [Like Jesus]. I forgive. I pray for them. I find ways to serve them.

3. I must seek peace and pursue it.
"Peace" should be the goal for all our relationships! And when someone is attacking me, I need to purposefully work towards restoring peace in that relationship. And as a follower of Jesus, I should be the one actively and intentionally taking steps to make that happen. I initiate peace.

How do you handle personal attacks?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Nursing Home Ministry!

Nursing Home Ministry
Sun, Nov 17 at 1:30 PM
Ormond Nursing Home

Katherine Billiot will be leading a team of volunteers to be a blessing to the residents of the Ormond Nursing & Care Center. The team will be meeting residents, listening to them, offering warm smiles, friendly hand-shakes, (and maybe a hug and a prayer too!) Teens, and Children with Parents, are Welcome to Volunteer too! If you would like to participate, please turn in a Connect Card with your name, a way to contact you, and indicate that you are interested in the “Nursing Home Ministry.”

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Series: I Love My Church!

Sundays in October!
8:30AM, 10:00AM, & 11:30AM
(Services typically last one hour.)

Live, or LIVE Streaming: 

We LOVE Life Fellowship!
And here's one reason why!

The culture tells us we're blessed
when people serve us.
Jesus tells us we're blessed
when we serve one another.

Parking Lot Improvement!

We are inviting 150 people,
to give a one-time offering,
of $150 above their normal giving,
So we can improve our parking lot!

Would you help us?

Give any time during 
the month of October!
Or give online: Click Here

Start Reading the Bible!

There is no better way to jump start your faith, than to begin reading and studying the Bible! And the BEST place to start reading the Bible is "The Gospels!"

The Gospels are all about the life, teachings, miracles, and ministry of Jesus!

Here's a Bible reading plan to help you accomplish the goal of reading The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in 30 days!


And be sure to download The Bible App for your smart phone or tablet!


Use a modern* translation when reading the Bible!

(NIV) = New International Version
  ~ The most widely used, modern translation of the Bible.

(NLT) = New Living Translation
  ~ A very popular modern translation for personal Bible reading.

*The (KJV) = King James Version is the most well known, beloved, and widely used translation of Scripture, and was, at one time, a "modern" translation, (back in the 1600's).